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    This is the portion of net rentable square feet dedicated to the common areas of a building. It includes restrooms, lobbies, corridors, and other areas, and it can be calculated for an entire building or a single floor. The efficiency factor is also referred to as the (R/U) rentable/usable factor or core factor.




    A drawing or depiction that shows the exterior facade or face of a building from a particular viewpoint. Elevations are detailed representations of a building’s exterior that provide information about its architectural features, design elements, proportions, materials, and aesthetics.


    These refer to vertical transportation systems used to move people or goods between different floors or levels within a building.



    It refers to a situation in real estate where a property owner violates the property rights of his neighbour by building on or extending a structure to the neighbour’s land or property intentionally or otherwise.

    Encumbrance Certificate

    A document that provides details about any encumbrances or liabilities associated with a particular property. It is often obtained from the relevant land records office or authority. It serves as evidence of the property’s ownership status and any existing legal or financial obligations attached to it.



    End user refers to the final consumer or occupant of a commercial property who directly uses or benefits from the space for their business operations, retail activities, or other commercial purposes. The term “end user” distinguishes this party from intermediaries such as investors, developers, landlords, and property managers who may be involved in the ownership, development, leasing, or management of the property.


    Equity refers to the ownership interest or value that stakeholders, such as investors, property owners, or developers, have in a property or real estate investment. It represents the difference between the property’s market value and the amount of debt or financing secured against it.



    This is an increase in various aspects related to the sector, such as prices, demand, construction activity, or leasing rates.


    It’s a legal arrangement in which a neutral third party holds funds, documents, or other assets on behalf of the buyer and seller during a transaction, until certain conditions are met or the transaction is completed. Escrow is used to facilitate the secure and orderly exchange of money and property between the parties involved.



    ESG” stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance factors. ESG considerations have become increasingly important in the commercial real estate industry as investors, tenants, and other stakeholders prioritize sustainability, social responsibility, and ethical business practices.

    Exclusive Rights

    A contractual agreement granting a specific party or entity exclusive rights or privileges regarding a particular property or transaction. These exclusive rights are often negotiated and documented in agreements such as listing agreements, lease agreements, or brokerage agreements and may confer various benefits or restrictions depending on the terms of the agreement.



    It refers to the track record, expertise, and knowledge that a particular individual or company possesses in managing, developing, leasing, or investing in commercial properties. It encompasses a range of skills and capabilities honed over time through hands-on involvement in various aspects of the commercial real estate industry.

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